Global Foreign Exchange made easy

Guiding You Every Step of the Way

How It Works

Once you are a registered client, you can book, send and receive currency straight away.

Before making any transactions, you will need to be a registered client. This is a very quick and simple process for both Corporate and Private client. This can be complete on our website online, or via email forms. Please do feel free to call one of the team to help you step by step.

With ProVison Currency you have all options on how to manage and monitor all your currency needs whether that be​ with you own dedicated Account Manager or online.

  Email your FX Account Manager 
  Call your FX Account Manager 
  Online platform access 24/7 

The Process

You will have your own dedicated FX Account Manager to assist and update you step by step.

1. Registration 

The Registration for both corporate or private clients is a very quick and simple process. This can be completed on our website online, or via emails PDF forms. Please do call or email one of the team to help you step by step.

2. Book the currency

You can call, email or log onto your online platform for a live quote. Once you have accepted the quote your currency will be locked in and guaranteed not to change, safe against market fluctuations. As soon as any currency is booked you will receive an automatic trade note confirming the transaction.

3. Settle the transaction

Once you have booked the currency needed and sent across the beneficiary details that will be saved to your account for any future payments, you will need to send across the sold amount of currency. You will be paying into a segregated account under your company name within Barclays Bank PLC.

4. Payment

Once your funds have been received we will go ahead and have your currency sent to the beneficiary you wish. Same day payments on most major currencies or any chosen date you have asked for.

ProVision Currency Products

When you make ProVision Currency your Forex Provider, you'll have access to our full range of products

Spot Transfer

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      Forward Contract      

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Market / Limit Order

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Multi-Currency Account

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Online Platform

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With our products, we help our clients stay one step ahead. With market leading expertise and bespoke hedging strategies we can tailor our unique services to any business requirement.


We will exchange the currency at competitive bank beating exchange rates, with products best fitted to your requirements.

Corporate Foreign Exchange

If you’re paying salaries, importing and exporting, or just moving money from one account to another. Processing payments can be made easy.

Private Client Transfers

If you’re buying a property or goods abroad, sending funds back to the UK, emigrating or just simply making a one-off payment, we understand the importance.

Multi-Currency Account 

Receive currency from your customers in to your own named collection account, using one account number for all currencies, in your own company or private name.

Sales & Brokering
25 Wilton Road, Victoria
London, UK
+44 (0) 203 627 8707

Support & Compliance
164 Bishopsgate
London, UK
+44 (0) 203 627 8707